HOL Mobile Eye Clinic


Hope Optometrists Limited Mobile Eye Clinic is the realization of our dream to provide primary healthcare and the best quality vision to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.


We aim to transcend financial, cultural and social barriers that exist in accessing basic health care, whilst treating every individual with dignity and respect.



If you cannot get to our practice on your own, for example because of a mental or physical disability, Our Optometrist can come to your home or care centre. We can adapt the examination for you, if you have complex needs or if you struggle to communicate or understand, such as individuals who have had a stroke.

If the thought of being out in public still seems daunting due to the pandemic, the mobile eye clinic is a way for you to avoid the crowd.
The mobile eye clinic also serves large groups such as

  • Orphanages
  • Schools
  • Religious institutions

In addition, our team consults for large groups of employees for example, Industrial Companies, Banks, Private Companies. Our Optometrists use specialized equipment that ensures a thorough examination and ensures the quality of in-office care is not compromised.



Mobile Eye Clinic
The Optometrist will assess what you can see (close-up and in the distance), usually using special charts of symbols or letters
Mobile Eye Clinic
They will carry out a series of tests using different lenses to work out whether you need glasses or, if you already have glasses, whether your prescription needs to be updated.
Mobile Eye Clinic
They will also look at the inside and outside of your eyes to check they are healthy. Occasionally, the Optometrist may need to put drops in your eyes to get a better view of the back of your eye.
Mobile Eye Clinic
Your eye pressures are also measured and sometimes it may be necessary to check your peripheral (side) vision using special equipment

These tests can help detect treatable eye conditions such as Glaucoma, which may go unnoticed if you don’t have regular examinations



After your eye exam, the Optometrist will talk through the results with you, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have.
The Optometrist may give you advice such as how often you should have an eye exam or how to keep your eyes healthy.
If they findsomething which you need further medical checks for, they will refer you the relevant practitioner

If spectacles are required, our Optometric Assistant will help you to choose a frame and discuss the lenses that were prescribed. Thereafter, the spectacles will be processed and once complete we will schedule a fitting appointment.

'Imagination is the language of the soul. Pay attention to your imagination and you will discover all you need to be fulfilled.’


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